
{eac}SoftwareRegistry Custom Hooks

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $0.00.

{eac}SoftwareRegistry custom hooks - Add PHP code for the many hooks (filters and actions) available in the Software Registration Server.
SKU: eacSoftwareRegistryHooks Categories: ,


{eac}SoftwareRegistry Custom Hooks is an extension plugin to {eac}SoftwareRegistry Software Registration Server.

Using the many hooks available in the Software Registration Server, you can customize the registration server options, incoming API requests, outgoing API responses, and client emails and notifications.

{eac}SoftwareRegistry Custom Hooks allow you to write PHP code for any of the available filters. Through these hooks, you can customize your registration server, validate and/or modify API request and response data, or trigger other actions or functions.

Although this extension includes some pre-built customizations, the main purpose is to allow you (or your programmer) to further customize the Software Registration Server. The extensions included provide all of the ground-work needed so you only need to focus on the actual customizations you need to make.

This custom hooks extension is a developer-level extension which uses your PHP code. To add customizations beyond what is provided requires PHP programming knowledge and basic understanding of WordPress actions and filters.

Implementing Custom Hooks

To implement your customizations:

  1. Copy the /eacSoftwareRegistry/Customhooks folder from this plugin folder to your development environment.
  2. Modify the appropriate extension(s) [custom_hooks_*.extension.php] found in the Customhooks folder.
  3. Upload the /eacSoftwareRegistry/Customhooks folder from your development environment to your WordPress theme folder (preferably a child theme - see: Child Themes).

Example directory structure


The only code changes needed are in the appropriate method(s), within the try...catch block.

For example, if you wanted to customize the assignment of a new registration key, you would modify custom_hooks_new_registration.extension.php; find the new_registry_key() method, and make your changes where you see /* custom code here */:

 * new_registry_key handler
 * @param string $newRegistrationKey The key value (uuid) assigned to a new registration
 * @return string
public function new_registry_key(string $newRegistrationKey): string
    global $wp, $wpdb;

    try {
        /* custom code here */
        return $newRegistrationKey;
    } catch (\Throwable $e) {$this->plugin->logError($e);return $newRegistrationKey;}

In some cases, default code is provided as both example and preference. If not needed, defaults should be removed or disabled.

WordPress Administration

From the administrator settings screen (found at Software Registry » Settings » Hooks), you may enable or disable each hook independently or as a group (by each extension).

  • Each extension is disabled by default and must be enabled from the settings screen.
  • For each filter that is customized, the individual hook must be enabled from the settings screen.

For example, after modifying the new_registry_key() method (above), you must go to the settings screen, enable the New Registration Hooks extension and then enable the New Registration Key hook.

{eac}SoftwareRegistry New Registration

List of Available Hooks

Administrator settings eacSoftwareRegistry/Customhooks/custom_hooks_admin_options.extension.php


API Requests eacSoftwareRegistry/Customhooks/custom_hooks_api_request.extension.php

'eacSoftwareRegistry_api_request_parameters'        // pre-coded to log the api request parameters

API Responses eacSoftwareRegistry/Customhooks/custom_hooks_api_response.extension.php

'eacSoftwareRegistry_api_registration_values'       // pre-coded to log the api response values

Client Message Hooks eacSoftwareRegistry/Customhooks/custom_hooks_client_messages.extension.php

'eacSoftwareRegistry_client_registry_translate'     // pre-coded to remove certain values passed to the client

New registration eacSoftwareRegistry/Customhooks/custom_hooks_new_registration.extension.php


Custom Hook Method Arguments

$newRegistrationKey     // The key value (uuid) assigned to a new registration

$requestParams          // The parameter array passed through the API. May include:
    'registry_key'          => string       //  UUID,
    'registry_status'       => string,      //  'pending', 'trial', 'active', 'inactive', 'expired', 'terminated', 'invalid'
    'registry_effective'    => string,      //  effective date
    'registry_expires'      => string,      //  expiration date
    'registry_name'         => string,      //  registrant's full name
    'registry_email'        => string,      //  registrant's email address
    'registry_company'      => string,      //  registrant's company/organization name
    'registry_address'      => string,      //  registrant's full address (textarea)
    'registry_phone'        => string,      //  registrant's telephone
    'registry_product'      => string,      //  your product name/id ((your_productid))
    'registry_title'        => string,      //  your product title
    'registry_description'  => string,      //  your product description
    'registry_version'      => string,      //  your product version (when registered)
    'registry_license'      => string,      // 'L1'(Lite), 'L2'(Basic), 'L3'(Standard), 'L4'(Professional), 'L5'(Enterprise), 'LD'(Developer)
    'registry_count'        => int,         //  number of licenses (users/seats/devices)
    'registry_variations'   => array,       //  associative array of name/value pairs
    'registry_options'      => array,       //  indexed array of registry options
    'registry_domains'      => array,       //  array of valid/registered domains
    'registry_sites'        => array,       //  array of valid/registered sites/uris
    'registry_transid'      => string,      //  external transaction id
    'registry_timezone'     => string,      //  standard timezone string (client timezone)
    'registry_paydue'       => float,       //  amount to be paid/billed,
    'registry_payamount'    => float,       //  amount paid,
    'registry_paydate'      => string,      //  date paid
    'registry_payid'        => string,      //  transaction id/check #, etc.
    'registry_nextpay'      => string,      //  next payment/renewal date

$apiAction              // One of 'create', 'activate', 'revise', 'deactivate', 'verify' or 'update' (non-api)

$registration           // The registration data array with above registry values

$wpPost                 // WP_Post object

$postValues             // Array of values passed to wp_insert_post(), including 'meta_input' array with above registry values

Additional information


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