Category: WordPress

{eac}SoftwareRegistry Software Product Taxonomy

{eac}SoftwareRegistry Software Taxonomy is a simple plugin extension that allows you to set and override {eac}SoftwareRegistry options for specific software products. It both defines the software product as well as the server parameters used when that product is registered via your software registration server api.

Now with plugin hosting on Github providing complete, automated plugin updates in WordPress.

{eac}SoftwareRegistry Software Registration Server

{eac}SoftwareRegistry is a WordPress software licensing and registration server with an easy to use API for creating, activating, deactivating, and verifying software registration keys.

Registration keys may be created and updated through the administrator pages in WordPress, but the system is far more complete when your software package implements the {eac}SoftwareRegistry API to manage the registration.

{eac}SoftwareRegistry Software Distribution SDK

{eac}SoftwareRegistry Distribution SDK for {eac}SoftwareRegistry Software Registration Server – Implementing the Software Registry SDK Package.

The Software Registry Distribution SDK is used to generate a custom PHP package that you can include in your software project to register your product with your registration server and manage that registration.

{eac}SoftwareRegistry Custom Hooks

{eac}SoftwareRegistry Software Registration Server custom hooks – Add PHP code for the many hooks (filters and actions) available in the Software Registration Server.

Using the many hooks available in the {eac}Software Registration Server, you can customize the registration server options, incoming API requests, outgoing API responses, and client emails and notifications.

{eac}SoftwareRegistry WebHooks for WooCommerce

Enables the use of WooCommerce Webhooks to create or update a software registration in {eac}SoftwareRegistry when an order is created or updated.

We use webhooks so that you may sell your software on a different site then where you register your software. When an order is created or updated on your WooCommerce site, that order information is sent to your registration server via a webhook so that the registration server may create or update the registration.

{eac}SoftwareRegistry Subscriptions for WooCommerce

{eac}SoftwareRegistry Subscriptions for WooCommerce is a plugin, installed on your WooCommerce site, that adds a custom Webhook topic for subscription updates to the WooCommerrce Webhooks, and adds subscription and product data to WooCommerce order Webhooks.

With this plugin enabled, not only can you update registrations by order updates, but also by subscription updates, including renewals, expirations, and cancelations, making it easy to keep your registrations in sync with your subscriptions.

{eac}Doojigger Base Plugin for WordPress

Powerful extensible multi-function utility plugin with encryption, debugging, security +more. Enables rapid development of derivatives and extensions.

{eac}Doojigger by EarthAsylum Consulting is a multi functional and extensible plugin that provides extensions covering security, debugging/logging, encryption, session management, easy maintenance mode, administration tools, and more.